Setting Cmd Prompt in Windows ..!
Every time after I reinstall my windows machine I use to search for this type of things. So putting them in a blog seems to be a good option to share and reuse things...
Open a command prompt from the current Windows Explorer location
Open a command prompt from the current Windows Explorer location
- Use regedit to navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \Folder \shell.
- Select Edit, New, Key, and enter CmdPrompt in the dialog box.
- Double-click (Default), and enter the name that you want to display when you right-click the directory (e.g., Command Prompt Here).
- Then, select Edit, New, Key and enter a key under CmdPrompt named command (in lowercase).
- Double-click (Default) and enter the path to your cmd.exe program, followed by "%L" (e.g., C:\winnt\system32\cmd.exe /k cd "%L").
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