Thursday, June 30, 2005

The Third Leg ..!

Some time back I wrote on the fifth wave that is happening around the IT Industry.

Subscribing [ via RSS ] will be joining as the third leg with the Browsing and searhing of the Web closing a Triangle...

Check out subscribing


Wednesday, June 29, 2005

How the market moves..!

I was reading E M E R I today morning and one of the things that captured my eyes to the maximum is the write up of him from the BBC News. It is good and says where the market moves now....!

BBC News writes:

There are few people in the world who can claim to have invented something that captured the imagination of hundreds of millions of people.

But Niklas Zennström has done it twice.

Skype makes money because a small fraction of users is buying additional services, such as the capability to call from Skype to the telephone network or vice versa.

Not having to make money from every user is not a new idea, Zennström emphasises.

"It is very similar to companies like Google and other internet companies. When you go and search on Google you don't pay for that. But sometimes you click on an advert and Google makes money on that.

"It's the same thing with Skype. Some users are paying for services, but not everyone."

Zennström believes the losers out of this new structure will be the telcos who do not understand that there is a change going on.

"This is a disruptive technology that shifts the industry", he says.

"We have just started, and if you compare the number of people using Skype to the number using a telephone network around the world, we're still just starting.

"And now we're also very much focussing on moving away from the computer into mobile devices, so you can use Skype for free wirelessly."

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Where to Start Learning ..!

This Question needs a very deep thought to be answered..

But here J H writes really a great piece of info which each and every guy who starts his career should look in before he starts reading things for his software career.

languages to start your carreer

He too links his write up to a page which tells you how to be a programmer - A short but toooo lengthy stuff out there check out this toooo

how to be a programmer

Happy Programming ...!

GreaseMonkey UserScript

Hello !!!

There is a lot of user scripts available in this page for your mozilla....

quite impressed with some of them. Check out so that you can use some..


Cheers --- Ranjith

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Tech Fifth Wave

People Started talking about Technologies' Fifth Wave.

When I first started reading on the Tech Fifth Wave on the Tech Beat of Business Week. I just started wondering what are the other waves then.... This guys at Tech Beat have really made it very clear on their presentations.

cheap computers, open standards, and pervasive broadband are creating a new wave of innovation that takes computing well beyond the first four waves: mainframes, minicomputers, personal computers, and the client-server model that led to the Web.

Cheers - Ranjith

Monday, June 20, 2005

Setting Cmd Prompt in Windows ..!

Every time after I reinstall my windows machine I use to search for this type of things. So putting them in a blog seems to be a good option to share and reuse things...


Open a command prompt from the current Windows Explorer location
  • Use regedit to navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \Folder \shell.
  • Select Edit, New, Key, and enter CmdPrompt in the dialog box.
  • Double-click (Default), and enter the name that you want to display when you right-click the directory (e.g., Command Prompt Here).
  • Then, select Edit, New, Key and enter a key under CmdPrompt named command (in lowercase).
  • Double-click (Default) and enter the path to your cmd.exe program, followed by "%L" (e.g., C:\winnt\system32\cmd.exe /k cd "%L").

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Internet Pioneers

I was just reading thru the details of Douglas about whom I wrote in my previous Blog. I happend to browse into the following site which list some of the internet pioneers of today and some of their deeds.

Read and know about the pioneers .

The Far thinker of Computers - Douglas Englebart

Read about Doug Englebart who is one of the pioneers in the internet computer world and he was talking about the online collabration and the conference in the late 1960s which is even before the internet era.

Some of the references for todays Douglas :

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Got an Answer - Foxy Cash Cow

When ever I did a search on the Firefox on the small column given for google, the address bar used to append the following string to its constructed URL - &client=firefox-a.
I was wondering for a very long time why this is done on every search.

Atlast I got the answer that firefox is silently making $30m annually for its deal with google. check out Marks post here


Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Getting on to the Exact Place - Fire Fox Extensions

It is getting really tougher to get on to the right place with a search engine for a particular requirement. I was searching for a open in new tab option for my firefox browser.. Atlas I got it here on this blog...

Later I found that this guy is really interesting and is writing on some of the smart tips and tricks of the On line tools and browsers check out his blog


The OS Suckssss

This is a census from the Astalavista site based on the search hit on them.

Check out the following page to check the os you use is really rocking or ruling or Sucking..

who is the one?
