Wednesday, November 16, 2005

TypePad Exceeeeeds Customer Expectations ..!

That was a nice offer for the TypePad users from the company ..!

We at Six Apart understand that you pay for TypePad and expect to receive superior performance in return. At times over the last several weeks, we have not provided that type of experience. We also know that some customers have been more heavily impacted than others. Therefore, we want to give you the choice of how Six Apart should compensate you for any inconvenience we have caused.

While the performance issues caused me some inconvenience I mainly found the service acceptable last month.
Give me 15 free days of TypePad.
The performance issues made it very difficult for me to use the service on multiple occasions during the month.
Give me 30 free days of TypePad.
The performance issues affected me greatly, making my experience unacceptable for most of the month.
Give me 45 free days of TypePad.
I really wasn’t affected at all and feel I got the great service I paid for last month.
Thank you for your offer, but please don't credit my account.

We’d also love to hear any feedback from you about your recent experience with TypePad, and what we could have done to better communicate the situation and what we were doing to fix it.

The customers of TypePad will be more happy and motivated to use their service.

Cheers !!!


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